Wednesday, March 24, 2010

语不惊人死不休 Some short quotes to lighten your day...



昨天中午去ATM存钱,排队时一美女在后面问我:“存钱是吗?”“恩!”“我正好要取钱,反正你要存, 不如把钱给我,咋俩就不用排队了。”我想想觉得有理,于是把钱给她了。 一下午都觉得不对劲……

书不在拥有多 少,或读了多少,而在能否遇到一本书,读了之后,你的人生从此不再如同过往。

即使是 friend 也有 end ;即便是 lover 也有 over ;要想 forget 先得要 get …

月薪1200元,买什么车好?—— 买副象棋吧,有四个车呢!另外还有四个宝马。

Do one thing at a time, and do well.

酒店服务的作用,就是把房间里其他人住过的痕迹彻底抹掉,让下一个一点都察觉不出来,不留一根头发,或者被人动过的痕 迹.

穷人十缺:表面上最缺的是——金钱;本质上最缺的是——野心;脑袋上最缺的是——观念;对机会最缺的是——了 解;命运里最缺的是——选择;骨子里最缺的是——勇气 ;改变上最缺的是——行动;肚子里最缺的是——知识;事业上最缺的是——毅 力;内心里最缺的是——胆色


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Making your Goal Concrete


I have made a lot of goals when I moved to Singapore. As of today, I have managed to achieve most of it. Yet, there are more goals I need to achieve. One good way is to make it concrete. Otherwise, your goals will never be achieved.

-- Original Article --

You probably have a number of goals floating around in your head right now. Do you know the main reason why you may never reach those goals? You have not made them concrete!

Everyone has lots of thoughts in their head. They come and go. The goals in your head are vague and constantly changing as new thoughts pop into your head. How do you expect to make any progress when you have a moving target? You might even forget about your goal completely, as new priorities crowd into your mind.

You may have heard that what you think about is what becomes real. Thoughts become things. The Law of Attraction at work. But remember, for thoughts to become reality, they have to be focused and repeated over and over. Why not make it easier for yourself? I’m going to tell you how.

You need to move your goals from the world of thought into the physical world. You can do this in many ways, but here are three tried and true ways to go about making your goals concrete:

1. Write Your Goals Down

Writing down your goals gives them a solid form. Just the act of putting them down on paper will imprint them more firmly in your mind and keep them from getting lost among all the other thousands of your thoughts. Even if you never refer to the paper on which you wrote them down, you will be much more likely to achieve them!

And if you study your written goals and even formulate a plan to accomplish them, you are well on your way.
2. Make a Vision Board

You might have seen vision boards that people have made. You can make one of poster board or whatever flat surface you want. Then just find pictures of some of your goals. You can get these pictures from magazines, print them out from the internet, use your own photos or drawings, or whatever. Just use your creativity and come up with a collage of images that represents your ideal life in the future. Paste them on to the board and hang it up where you will see it often.

A vision board is great because it takes you into your ideal future every time you look at it. It activates your emotions, an important aspect of realizing your goals. Again, you are making your goals concrete by representing them in the physical world, in this case by images instead of written words.
3. Place a Symbolic Object in Your Home

Now we are getting into Feng Shui. One of the important practices in Feng Shui is to adjust the energy in your home to support your goals and intentions. One way to do this is to place something that is symbolic of what you want. For example, if you want money, you could actually place a few coins in a special place, or if you want a relationship, you could hang a picture of two people or a pair of anything, really. Feng Shui relies a lot on symbols, so whatever symbolizes your goal will work for you.

Not only will you be reminded of your goal every time you see the object you have placed, but Feng Shui also works on an energy level to send your wishes out into the greater world.

Actually, all three of these methods are related, or you could say, they are even the same on an energy level. You are doing something on the physical level to represent your goals. You are changing the energy surrounding this goal - you are sending it out into the world. You are allowing your subconscious to work on the goal, and at the same time, you are announcing your goal to the world outside of your head, and thus you are taking the first step to setting your goal in motion.

In fact, here is the surprising part - if you do any of the above, you have already accompished the hardest part of achieving the goal. You have planted the seed, and it can start to grow.

Try it now:

Take one goal of yours and make it concrete, either in one of the three ways above, or in another way of your choosing. Another way to do it would be to leave a comment below, stating your goal.

(Article from

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Decisions decisions decisions ...


Why would I want an iPAD for?

Do I get a WiFi only version? Or get the one with 3G + WiFi?

Here are some of the questions briefly appeared in my head before I made up my mind...

- The 3G version is ugly. (got this black color pieces at the top. As shown above). Can you accept that?

- Its a bigger version of iPhone. What do you use iPhone for? And most importantly, where do you use it? Note that I only compared to iPhone as I do not have an iPod Touch. So, I already write off iPod Touch.

- Is iPAD going to replace your iPhone?

- Is iPAD going to replace your MacBook?

- I am very sure, the Telcos (SingTel, M1 & Starhub) is going to tie this to the ANOTHER 3G data contract. Because of the micro 3G slot. At the moment, non of the above offers the micro-3G card. So, that means, there is very high possibility all the existing 3G data card will not work. Means, my extra 3G card will not work. Brilliant thought, Steve.

- So, when you travel, you will not likely to see pre-paid 3G data card in micro-3G format. OK, that will be a problem.

- Singapore WiFi hotspot is just getting better. At least no need to key in the password every time.

- Get a 3G Wifi Router. Then, you can reuse the extra 3G card you still have 7 quarters of contracts with SingTel. More friendly too. Macbook can use it, so as iPAD thru WiFi.

- Of course, the law of physics still stays... WiFi will draw more power than 3G. But is it not true that you in office, and at home always switch the iPhone to WiFi data? Because it is still faster than 3G and you simply don't care.

- Next, will you use it for Email purpose? I think it is good for Ad hoc Email reading just like iPhone or Blackberry. But for day to day email reading and management, will you use this other than entourage or outlook? OK, without 3G, may not get real time email or notifications. OK, I still got my iPhone in my pocket. I am glad.

- Will you do word processing on it? May be.

- Doing presentations on iPAD will be cool. But creating the presentation file without a mouse. Interesting... its time to learn the gestures.

- So, Apple Works for iPAD seems to be a must. Or you can always choose to go to the portal of giant Google. There are office doc there, calendar and so on. Wait now, try not to do that... Apple hates google.

- It will not be cool if you do not have 3G when you rely so much on Cloud service. Let me see what are the cloud I usually use. Nothing... except for Evernote.

- Will I play games on it. Of course. Hmmm... Final Fantasy, Tiger Woods Golf, etc. All will be excellent. And my kid, Jay will love it, as he has 5 pages of games on my iPhone at present. Definitely for the Games.

- Will I watch movies on it. Definitely. Of course, it is for Jay again. I just need to find a way to hang it in the car, put properly on the table at the restaurant, etc. Come to think about it... hmmm... Will Jay drop it accidentally?

- Now, the painful parts, OK, need to spent time to convert those 1024p to whatever best format in iTunes.

- All my e-books has a better bigger screen to read now. I will definitely buy some books... So, it goes like this... visit kino, borders and popular. You see a book you like, but you don't buy it physically at the store, instead you come home and you buy thru iPAD & iBookstore. That is cool. Then you will lie down on bed read the magazine and so on.

- FYI. My iPhone is no longer jailbroken. I have decided to move on, and become a real apple iPhone users. And I really spent a lot to buy games, books and movies. So, I guess no different next. I also spent > $15 to $25 to buy Magazine I like from the book stores. Then, after few months, my wife throw away. Hmm.. now I can keep forever.

OK... I think I got enough justifications to explained my act.... First week of April is the D-Day... Yeah...